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Effect of short-term smoking cessation on brain activity: Preliminary study
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: MOCHIZUKI, Mayumi (Keio University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tokyo, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Hasumi, Yuka (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)
Iwasaki, Yutaka (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)
Hashiguchi, Masayuki (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)
Saito, Yoshimasa (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)
Saito, Hidetsugu (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)
Nakashima, Emi (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan) - Abstract:
Background: The effect of counseling by pharmacists is usually evaluated by adherence and effectiveness of drugs. In these days, the brain monitoring have been used to assess the effect of cognitive behavioral therapy. Aims: To evaluate the effect of smoking cessation counseling, we conducted a study on hemodynamic response in the brain after..
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