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Pharmacy-Based Intervention in COPD patients – Portuguese Pharmacists can effectively improve inhalation technique!
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: TORRE, Carla (National Association of Pharmacies, Centre for health evaluation & research, Lisbon, Portugal)
- Co-author(s): Guerreiro, Jose (Centre for Health & Evaluation, ANF Group, Lisbon, Portugal)
Madeira, Anabela (Pharmacy Services Department, National Association of Pharmacies, Lisbon, Portugal)
Lopes, Francisca (Centre for Health & Evaluation, ANF Group, Lisbon, Portugal)
Mendes, Zilda (Centre for Health & Evaluation, ANF Group, Lisbon, Portugal)
Miranda, Ana (Centre for Health & Evaluation, ANF Group, Lisbon, Portugal)
Santos, Cristina (Pharmacy Services Department, National Association of Pharmacies, Lisbon, Portugal)
Costa, Suzete (Centre for Health & Evaluation, ANF Group, Lisbon, Portugal) - Abstract:
Background: The burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease for the individual and the society is high. Despite the efficacy of medicines, most patients are not well controlled due to a relatively high prevalence of incorrect inhalation technique. A pharmacy-based pilot intervention was tested to promote the correct inhalation technique when..
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