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Why? A qualitative study of inappropriate prescribing in older patients-interim analysis
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: BYRNE, Stephen (University College Cork, School of Pharmacy, Cork, Ireland)
- Co-author(s): Cullinan, Shane (University College Cork, Cork, Ireland)
Gallagher, Paul (Cork University Hospital, Cork, Ireland)
O'Sullivan, David (University College Cork, Cork, Ireland)
Ryan, Cristin (Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom)
O'Mahony, Denis (Cork University Hospital, Cork, Ireland) - Abstract:
Older patients commonly suffer from multiple conditions and take multiple medications. As a result, these patients are more vulnerable to potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP). Studies have shown that inappropriate prescribing in these patients results in adverse drug events and hospitalisations.
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