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Establishing a Seamless Medication Reconciliation Service Using START & STOPP Criteria in Elderly Patients at National University Hospital, Singapore
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: TEE, Kwee Shien (National University Hospital, Pharmacy, Singapore, Singapore)
- Co-author(s): Hooi, Pik Yee (National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore)
Wan, Mei Qi (National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore)
Ngai, Mei Ing (National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore)
Tan, Chwee Huat (National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore)
Ho, Olivia (National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore)
Merchant, Reshma (National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore)
Lateef, Aisha (National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore)
Wu, Tuck Seng (National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore) - Abstract:
Studies showed that suboptimal or inappropriate prescribing are quite prevalent among elderly patients, and readmission may expose them to new and possibly unnecessary medications. The START and STOPP criteria were formulated to help physicians and pharmacists in detecting medication omissions and errors. The aim of this study was to reduce..
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