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Water Titration: a way to confirm nanoemulsion production
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: SILVA, André (UFRN, Pharmacy, Natal, Brazil)
- Co-author(s): Rosa, Alélia (UFRN, Natal, Brazil)
Veríssimo, Lourena (UFRN, Natal, Brazil)
Egito, Eryvaldo (UFRN, Natal, Brazil) - Abstract:
Nanoemulsions are thermodynamic unstable systems composed by two immiscible liquids. Sometimes it may be confused with other dispersed systems, such as microemulsions. The literature suggests that a good way to well characterize such system is to use the water titration technique. The aim of this work was to evaluate a dispersed produced system in ..
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