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Integrated Medication Management Model with Documentation and Outcomes Tracking Tools (DOTT): Enhancing Medication Reconciliation and Patient Safety
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: TRUONG, Hoai-An (University of Maryland Eastern Shore, School of Pharmacy, Princess Anne, United States of America)
- Co-author(s): Congdon, Heather (University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Rockville, United States of America)
Botchway, Rose (Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County, Silver Spring, United States of America)
Dang, Diem-Thanh (Tanya) (Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County, Silver Spring, United States of America)
Zarfeshan, Faramarz (Alfa Pharmacy, Columbia, United States of America) - Abstract:
Background: According to the Institute of Medicine, there are at least 1.5 million preventable adverse drug events annually. Documentation and intervention/referral are two core elements of a medication management service model. Yet, there are limited standardized tools available to facilitate medication reconciliation and enhance safety. Aims:..
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