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Implementation of a internal monitoring programme in occupationally exposed workers
- In: SIG Nuclear / Radiologic Pharmacy - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: NRP-P-001
- By: TERáN, Mariella Adriana (Facultad de Química, Radioquímica, Montevideo, Uruguay)
- Co-author(s): Paolino (Facultad de Química, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay)
Savio, Eduardo (Facultad de Química, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay)
Hermida (Centro de Medicina Nuclear, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay) - Abstract:
Radionuclides incorporation may occur as a result of diverse activities; these include the work associated with the different stages of nuclear fuel cycle, the use of radioactive sources in medicine, scientific research, agriculture and the industry. In many countries, legal regulation exists that establishes the form in which incorporation..
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