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Evaluation of 188re-sn radiopharmaceutical safety for radiosinovectomy
- In: SIG Nuclear / Radiologic Pharmacy - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: NRP-P-002
- By: SAVIO, Eduardo (Facultad de Química, Catedra de Radioquímica, Montevideo, Uruguay)
- Co-author(s): Ures (Facultad de Química, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay)
Trindade (Facultad de Química, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay)
Paolino (Facultad de Química, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay)
Gaudiano (Centro de Medicina Nuclear, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay)
López (Dpto de Hematología, Hosp.de Clínicas, F, MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay) - Abstract:
The 188Re-Sn is a radiopharmaceutical used with therapeutic purposes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (AR) or hemophilic joint disease. The procedure consists of intraarticular administration of the radiopharmaceutical, keeping the treated joint immobilized and in rest during 72 hs. 188Re is a suitable beta-emitting radionuclide with a..
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