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Conducting home medication reviews by community pharmacists in the communities of keelung, taiwan
- In: Community Pharmacy Section - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-P-052
- By: CHEN, Yu-Chieh (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Keelung, Pharmacy, Keelung, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Hsieh (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Keelung, KEELUNG, China Taiwan)
Pai (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Keelung, KEELUNG, China Taiwan)
Deng (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Keelung, KEELUNG, China Taiwan)
Shu (Pharmacists Association, KEELUNG, China Taiwan)
Wang (Pharmacists Association, KEELUNG, China Taiwan)
Chen (Pharmacists Association, KEELUNG, China Taiwan)
Lo (Ching-Kang Foundation, TAIPEI, China Taiwan)
Shiau, Der Jen (Ching-Kang Foundation, TAIPEI, China Taiwan)
Gau (Ching-Kang Foundation, TAIPEI, China Taiwan)
Huang (Ching-Kang Foundation, TAIPEI, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
Aims: 1.To enhance population’s concept of developing a healthy community 2.To maximize patients’ benefit from their medication regimen 3.To advance the separation of drug prescribing from medical practice in Taiwan Methods: The patients were picked up via the computerized medical record system of a regional hospital in Keelung. The
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