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Multicentre, multinational distant learning post-graduate diploma/masters degree in clinical pharmacy
- In: Hospital Pharmacy Section - Poster session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-028
- By: SABRA, Kamal (CACT, St. James's Hospital, Dublin, Ireland)
- Co-author(s): Clarke (CACT, DUBLIN, Ireland)
Teeling (CACT, DUBLIN, Ireland)
Kennedy (UCC, CORK, Ireland) - Abstract:
A new Irish MSc/Higher Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy course by distance learning is expanding the range of options for pharmacists in Ireland and elsewhere who wish to acquire post-graduate qualifications in clinical pharmacy. Previously Irish-based pharmacists who wanted to undertake further studies in clinical pharmacy by distance learning had..
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