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A survey of people behavior of using medical or health related products in taiwan
- In: Community Pharmacy Section - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-P-038
- By: HUANG, Li-Jung (Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taipei, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Lo (Ching-Kang Foundation, Taipei, China Taiwan)
Shiau (Ching-Kang Foundation, Taipei, China Taiwan)
Gau (School of Pharmacy NTU, Taipei, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
Aim: In Taiwan, the expenditure of health care rises annually. It has been suggested to be partially due to the improper use of medication. The issue of wasting medication resources is widely discussed especially in the concerns of the increased financial burden of National Health Insurance system in Taiwan. Therefore, this survey was conducted to
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