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A new method to provide drug information by '2d-barcode' with camera phones
- In: Pharmacy Information Section - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PI-P-027
- By: TAKANAKA, Koichiro (Niigata College of pharmacy, Toxicology, Niigata, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Uno (Niigata College of pharmacy, NIIGATA, Japan)
Osada (Niigata College of pharmacy, NIIGATA, Japan)
Endou (Niigata College of pharmacy, NIIGATA, Japan) - Abstract:
[aims] Over 75% percent of mobile phones in Japan are camera phones which enable new services based on QR-code (2D-barcode) input leading to a variety of new transactions. Patients, for example, use their camera phones to take a printed a QR code and automatically access a corresponding website. Using this technology, patients are accessible to..
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