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Campaign for prevention of medication errors caused by phonetic or spelling similarity in the names of medicines
- In: Community Pharmacy Section - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS-P-020
- By: CAPILLA, Pedro (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, Madrid, Spain)
- Co-author(s): Abad (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Amaro (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
De Ancos (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Arteta (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Barrio (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Buil (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Carbonell (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Fuentes (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Herradón (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Hidalgo (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Jimenez (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Linaza (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Lopez (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Motero (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Otero (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Peña (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain)
Raposo (General Spanish Council of pharmacists, MADRID, Spain) - Abstract:
In 2003, the General Spanish Council of Pharmacists, via its National Memberships of Hospital Pharmacy and Comunity Pharmacy and with the collaboration of the ISMP-Spain, started up the campaign for prevention of medication errors caused by similarity in the names of medicines.
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