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Release stability of 5-fluorouracil liposomal concentrates, gels and lyophilized powder
- In: SIG Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PB-P-008*
- By: NOUNOU, Mohamed Mahmoud (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, Department of Pharmaceutics, Alexandria, Egypt)
- Co-author(s): El-Khordagui (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, ALEXANDRIA, Egypt)
Khalafallah (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, ALEXANDRIA, Egypt)
Khalil (Pharmacy Faculty, Alexandria University, ALEXANDRIA, Egypt) - Abstract:
Possible leakage of 5-fluorouracil from stable plurilamellar vesicles was monitored during storage of the liposomal concentrates, gels and lyophilized powders. Changes in release profile of dibucaine were taken as indicator of instability. Release profiles were obtained using the dialysis technique for a freshly prepared liposomal concentrate, gel ..
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