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Consumption of cytostatic drugs atc l in clinical hospital osijek

  • In: Hospital Pharmacy Section - Poster session
  • At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
  • Type: Poster
  • Poster code: HPS-P-019
  • By: VIROVKIC-ZUNEC, Blazenka (Clinical Hospital Osijek, Pharmacy, Osijek, Croatia)
  • Co-author(s): Stiblik-Stipesevic (Clinical Hospital Osijek, OSIJEK, Croatia)
    Antolovic-Amidzic (Clinical Hospital Osijek, OSIJEK, Croatia)
    Zunec (Fidifarm, ZAGREB, Croatia)
  • Abstract:

    Cytostatic drugs and immunomodulators ATC-L participate in overall drug consumption with 21,1% in our hospital. The purpose of the study was to analyze consumption according to ATC classification for the group of drugs L and to point out which subgroups, drugs and wards participate the most and to suggest cost saving options.

    Clinical Hospital..

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Last update 28 September 2023

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