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Current situation of community pharmacy long-term pharmaceutical care in Taipei Taiwan
- In: Community Pharmacy - Strategies for development of pharmacy practice Posters
- At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS1-P-012
- By: HSU, Hsiang-Yu (Kingstar Pharmacy, Taipei, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Lan, Yen-Chiu (Department of Leisure Resouces and Green Industries, Tainan, China Taiwan)
Chiang, Yu-Mei (Dept. of Health Taipei City Government, Taipei, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
 The refill prescription pharmacies group of Taipei hold regular meeting every month for discussing the community pharmacy services since 2004. The aim of this study is to investigate the current progress of community pharmacy long-term pharmaceutical care. Questionnaire survey were conducted in regular meeting of the group to understand the
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