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The effects of antihypertensive therapy on health related quality of life
- In: Community Pharmacy - other posters
- At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS6-P-035
- By: SILVA, Esperança (Farmacia Rocha, Coimbra, Portugal)
- Co-author(s): Oliveiros, Barbara (Faculty of medicine,ibili, Coimbra, Portugal)
Ponciano, Emanuel (Faculty of medicine,ibili, Coimbra, Portugal)
Caramona, Margarida (Faculty of pharmacy,pharmacology laboratory, Coimbra, Portugal) - Abstract:
The goals of antihypertensive therapy are to achieve and maintain BP control by the least intrusive means possible to prevent future cardiovascular and renal events. To achieve these goals, pharmacologic agents must be chosen so as to minimize drug-related adverse events, increase patient adherence to treatment regimens, and minimize the negative
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