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Searching for information to answer clinical questions of teratogenicity after maternal or paternal exposure

  • In: Pharmacy Information Posters
  • At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
  • Type: Poster
  • Poster code: PI-P-007
  • By: RIBEIRO RAMA, Ana Cristina (Pharm Department, University Hospitals; Center Pharmac Studies, Pharmacy Faculty, University Of Coimbra, Portugal)
  • Co-author(s): Isabel, Odete (Pharmacy Department, University Hospitals, COIMBRA, Portugal)
    Santos, Teresa (Reproductive Medicine Department, University Hospitals, COIMBRA, Portugal)
    Castel-Branco, Margarida (Center for Pharmaceutical Studies, Faculty Pharmacy, COIMBRA UNIVERISITY, Portugal)
    Figueiredo, Isabel Vitoria (Center for Pharmaceutical Studies, Faculty Pharmacy, COIMBRA UNIVERISITY, Portugal)
    Caramona, Margarida (Center for Pharmaceutical Studies, Faculty Pharmacy, COIMBRA UNIVERISITY, Portugal)
    Fernández-Llimós, Fernando (Social Pharmacy Department, Faculty Pharmacy, LISBON UNIVERSITY, Portugal)
  • Abstract:

    Foetal risk management complexity demands, as essential competence, effective strategy of literature search. This is a continuous systematic process to find, identify, validate and archive sources with relevant information for therapeutic monitoring of pregnant women. Objective: present the reasoning behind search for information in this field,


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Last update 28 September 2023

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