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Transformation of geniposide to genipin by immobilized ?-glucosidase in aqueous-organic two-phase system
- In: Natural Products Posters
- At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: NP-P-017
- By: ZHANG, Tong (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China)
- Co-author(s): Yang, Yishun (East China University of Science and Technology, SHANGHAI, China)
Yu, Shaicheng (East China University of Science and Technology, SHANGHAI, China)
Tao, Jiansheng (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, SHANGHAI, China) - Abstract:
Geniposide is a natural glycoside founded in Gardenia jasminoides Ellis. Studies have shown that the human intestinal microflora enzymes that transform geniposide to genipin. Genipin has the hepatic-protective and choleretic effect. The metabolite of such glycosides usually very active and can hardly be obtained by chemical hydrolysis methods. In
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