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Integrated pharmaceutical care: developing a pharmaceutical care plan for elderly polypharmacy patients using cooperation between pharmacist, general practitioner, and patient
- In: Community Pharmacy - Collaboration with health care professionals Posters
- At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS5-P-004
- By: GEURTS, Marlies (University of Groningen, dept. Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care, Groningen, Netherlands)
- Co-author(s): de Gier, Han (University of Groningen, dept. Pharmacotherapy and Pharmaceutical Care, GRONINGEN, Netherlands)
- Abstract:
Background information. Elderly polypharmacy patients have a higher risk for drug related problems which can cause serious side effects, non-adherence, and even hospital admissions. Pharmacists can work together with general practitioners (GP's) and patients to develop a care plan in order for patients to make good use of their medicines. The main
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