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Potential adverse analgesic reactions in prescriptions of hospitalized patients in mexico city
- In: D8 - Pharmacists serving patients - Short Oral Communications on Thursday, 2 September 2010, 14:00-17:00
- At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: ALTAGRACIA-MARTINEZ, Marina (UAM-X, Mexico City, Mexico)
- Co-author(s): Ceron-Sanchez, Areli (UAM-X, MEXICO CITY, Mexico)
Kravzov-Jinich, Jaime (UAM-X, MEXICO CITY, Mexico)
Vazquez-Moreno, Everardo (Pfizer, MEXICO CITY, Mexico)
Cardenas-Elizalde, Rosario (UAM-X, MEXICO CITY, Mexico) - Abstract:
Adverse reactions related to paracetamol and other analgesics have been widely reported in different geographic settings. Nevertheless, in Mexico very few studies have been published about the appropriate use of analgesics in inpatients and/or outpatients. In the present study it was investigated the appropriate used of analgesics for traumatic..
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