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A case report with complication based on Taiwan tuberculosis treatment guidelines
- In: Hospital Pharmacy - Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-098
- By: TSENG, Wei-Ting (Pharmacy Dept. of Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Chang Hua, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Yang, Tsung-Lin (Pharmacy Dept. of Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, CHANG HUA, China Taiwan)
Lin, Chia-Ling (Pharmacy Dept. of Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, CHANG HUA, China Taiwan)
Shi, Shun-Rong (Pharmacy Dept. of Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, CHANG HUA, China Taiwan)
Wang, Li-Fen (Pharmacy Dept. of Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, CHANG HUA, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
Tuberculosis (TB) is a common communicable disease in Taiwan. Nowadays, the therapeutic principle is cleared and defined in each country. Some cases with complication were noticed in some therapy. Our case was a long history of productive cough male patient. The diagnosis of TB was made after sputum Acid Fast Stain (AFS) and culture showed a
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