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May interventions by pharmacists at the emergency department, Södersjukhuset, optimize drug therapy in elderly patients? follow-up intervention
- In: Hospital Pharmacy - Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-089
- By: SHAH-SHAHID, Zahra (Apoteket Farmaci AB, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Co-author(s): Behzadi, Mohammad (Apoteket Farmaci AB, STOCKHOLM, Sweden)
Danell, Maria (Apoteket Farmaci AB, STOCKHOLM, Sweden)
El-zaq zouq, Rim (Apoteket Farmaci AB, STOCKHOLM, Sweden)
Sarlöv, Catharina (Södersjukhuset, STOCKHOLM, Sweden) - Abstract:
Introduction: Sweden has one of the world's oldest populations. Faced with an ageing population, and with new drugs being introduced at an increasing pace, there is a need to secure medical treatments used by the elderly. Incorrect use of medicines results in a significant cost to society and is estimated to constitute approximately 10% of total
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