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Observatory – a knowledgebase and a search facility from europharm forum
- In: D5 - The practitioners' Day (part 1) on Monday, 7 September 2009, 9:05-12:00
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: HOLME, Kirsten (Europharm Forum, Hillerød, Denmark)
- Co-author(s): Tromp, ThFJ (Executive Committee, Europharm Forum, Netherlands)
Kagedal, Astric (Executive Committee, Europharm Forum, Sweden)
Balázs, Hankó (Executive Committee, Europharm Forum, Hungary)
Björnsdóttir, Ingunn (Executive Committee, Europharm Forum, Iceland)
Alexander, Gerald (Executive Committee, Europharm Forum, United Kingdom) - Abstract:
Pharmacy practice is undergoing rapid development, and national pharmaceutical organisations are often facing challenges or struggling with problems of the same character. Knowledge sharing is, therefore, essential and resource saving - and a target for many. With this in mind, the EuroPharm Forum - in collaboration with the WHO Collaborating
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