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General pharmaceutical council of Spain’s response against COVID-19
- At: Seville (Spain) (2022)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HMI-052
- By: BLANES JIMéNEZ, Antonio (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Spain)
- Co-author(s): Mr. Antonio Blanes Jiménez, Pharmaceutical Services Direction (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain)
Mrs. Tamara Dorado Romero, Pharmaceutical Services Direction (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain)
Mr Iván Alejandro Espada Ibáñez (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain)
Mrs. Cristina Fernández Marcos, Pharmaceutical Services Direction (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain)
Mr. Carlos Fernández Moriano, Pharmaceutical Services Direction (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain)
Mrs. Paula Mateos Sánchez, Pharmaceutical Services Direction (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain) - Abstract:
Introduction. In the wake of the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a health crisis arose in which all healthcare collectives set up information mechanisms aimed at their own professionals, as well as at the general public. The General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain carried out a series of actions to improve awareness of the pandemic.
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