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Food-medication interaction: writing a treatise
- At: Seville (Spain) (2022)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HMI-047
- By: GARCíA PEREA, Aquilino (Pharmaceutical Provincial Chamber of Navarra, Spain)
- Co-author(s): Mrs. Cristina Abuin Martínez (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain)
Mrs. María Antonieta de Andrés Dirube (Pharmaceutical Provincial Chamber of Cantabria, Santander, Spain)
Mrs. Carmen del Campo Arroyo (Pharmaceutical Provincial Chamber of Ciudad Real, Ciudad Real, Spain)
Mrs. Rebeca Cuenca Velasco (Pharmaceutical Provincial Chamber of Zamora, Zamora, Spain)
Mr. Aquilino García Perea (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain)
Mrs. María Jesús Moreno-Aliaga (Pharmaceutical Provincial Chamber of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain)
Mr. Josep Antoni Tur Marí (Pharmaceutical Provincial Chamber of Baleares, Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
Mrs. Elena Vega Martín (General Pharmaceutical Council of Spain, Madrid, Spain) - Abstract:
Introduction. Pharmacists are, by definition, medicines technicians. However, due to our undergraduate and postgraduate training we are also food/nutrition counsellors. There is no other health professional as accessible to the population as pharmacists and with sufficient knowledge to be able to deal with food-medication interactions with the..
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