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Development and evaluation of an innovative approach using niosomes based dissolving microneedles to deliver dual antioxidant drugs
- At: Seville (Spain) (2022)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: DDD-031
- By: ZAID ALKILANI, Ahlam (Zarqa university, Jordan)
- Co-author(s): Dr Ahlam Zaid Alkilani, Dean (Zarqa university, Zarqa, Jordan)
Msc Hadeel Abu Zour, Pharmacy (Zarqa university, Zarqa, Jordan) - Abstract:
Microneedle are minimally invasive, pain free, micron sized projection arrays, capable of piercing the skin's stratum corneum, overcoming its barrier properties to create a transport pathway for drug molecules. Niosomes are a type of vesicular nanocarrier exploited for enhancing the therapeutic efficacy of various drugs in clinical practice.
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