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Drug information-based approach to metabolism and excretion of drugs.
- In: Pharmacy Information Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PI-P008
- By: OSADA, Kazushi (Chiba University, Graduate Scool of Pharmaceutical Science, Chiba, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Yamagata (Chiba University, CHIBA, Japan)
Satoh (Chiba University, CHIBA, Japan)
Ueda (Chiba University, CHIBA, Japan) - Abstract:
INTRODUCTION Pharmacotherapy should be carried out according to condition of patients, and one of the key information for a better pharmacotherapy is pharmacokinetics data of a drug. Pharmacokinetics is made a list as words, item by item. Since these items are related to each other, it’s important to take their into concideration together. The aim ..
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