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Study on the impact of a pharmacist-led medication review service
- In: 1B1 - Pharmacy practice research – proving the value of the pharmacist now and in the future (part 2) on Friday, 5 October 2012, 14:00-17:00
- At: Amsterdam (the Netherlands) (2012)
- Type: Presentation
- By: GOH, Qiuling Bandy (Singhealth Polyclinics, PHARMACY, Singapore, Singapore)
- Co-author(s): Lo, F.L. (Singhealth Polyclinics, Singapore, Singapore)
Tay, H.P. (Singhealth Polyclinics, Singapore, Singapore)
Khoo, S.Y. (Singhealth Polyclinics, Singapore, Singapore)
Goh (Singhealth Polyclinics, Singapore, Singapore)
Lee (Singhealth Polyclinics, Singapore, Singapore)
Tan (Singhealth Polyclinics, Singapore, Singapore)
Singapore, Tang (Singhealth Polyclinics, Singapore, Singapore) - Abstract:
Background: Medication review is an important component of patient care. There is evidence that it is a powerful tool in optimizing therapy, improving health outcomes, minimizing medication problems and reducing medication costs. Aim; This research study aims to evaluate the impact of medication review services (MRS) on SHP patients’ medication
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