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Lichen simplex - adjunct measures of controlling irritable bowel symptomatology
- In: Community Pharmacy - Other Posters
- At: Hyderabad (India) (2011)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS5-P-09
- By: SER, Filip (City Departement for Skin And Veneral Diseases, Belgrade, Serbia)
- Co-author(s): Savkovic, Tatjana (KBC Zvezdara, Hospital Pharmacy, Belgrade, Serbia)
Savkovic, Zoran (PharmaSwiss, Belgrade, Serbia)
Kadijevic, Irena (Pharnmacy Diafarm, Belgrade, Serbia)
Gordic, Olivera (Pharmacy Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
Draskovic, Jasmina (Pharmacy Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
Djurovic, Dragan (Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia)
Petronijevic, Dragoslav (Pharmacy Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
Ivanic, Vanja (Pharnmacy Diafarm, Belgrade, Serbia)
Plazinic, Olivera (Pharnmacy Diafarm, Belgrade, Serbia)
Mirasevic, Slavica (Pharmacy Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
Paunovic, Momir (Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stanjovic, Belgrade, Serbia)
Babic, Snezana (Pharmacy Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia) - Abstract:
Anal dermatitis is very frequent in everyday dermatologic practice. It is usually accompanied by extensive pruritus. It does, however, decrease concentration during daytime and disturbs night rest. A large population of patients are over-anxious individuals, meticulously with the need to obey their over strict expectations. Irritable bowel with
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