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Tenofovir induced acute renal failure in Indian human immunodeficiency virus positive patients: a pilot study
- In: Community Pharmacy - Quality and Safety Posters
- At: Hyderabad (India) (2011)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS2-P-13
- By: KHARB, Preeti (Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University, Manipal, Karanat, Manipal, Karanataka, India)
- Co-author(s): Radhakrishnan, Rajesh (Manipal college of Pharmaceutical sciences, manipal university, Manipal, Karanat, Manipal, Karanataka, India)
Muralidhar Varma, Danturulu (Department of Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karanataka, India)
Vidyasagar, Sudha (Department of Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Karanataka, India) - Abstract:
Background: An estimated 33 million people are living with human immunodeficiency virus infection and around 3 million people have access to antiretroviral therapy worldwide. Antiretroviral drug-associated renal toxicity has been focused on tenofovir. The literature on renal toxicity of tenofovir is nonstandardized and are all limited by lack of
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