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Evaluation of double-peak phenomenon of gliclazide after oral administration to healthy volunteers
- In: SIG Bioavailability / Bioequivalence - Poster Session
- At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: BB-P-019
- By: SADRAY, Sima (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutics, Tehran, Iran)
- Co-author(s): Safari (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, TEHRAN, Iran)
Rouini (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, TEHRAN, Iran)
Tahami (Tehran University of Medical Sciences, TEHRAN, Iran) - Abstract:
The pharmacokinetics (PK) of gliclazide after oral administration in healthy volunteers was studied. The concentration-time profiles after administration of 80 mg Gliclazide exhibited a double-peak phenomenon in some of the volunteers (in test product n=6, in reference product n=10). This phenomenon was not seen clearly in the mean..
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