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Drug-related problems in self-medication
- In: D5 - The practitioners' Day (part 1) on Monday, 7 September 2009, 9:05-12:00
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: GRIESE, Nina (ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Berlin, Germany)
- Co-author(s): Berger, Karin (ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Berlin, Germany)
Eickhoff, Christiane (ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Berlin, Germany)
Haemmerlein, Andrea (ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Berlin, Germany)
Sauerwein, Christiane (ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Berlin, Germany)
Schulz, Martin (ABDA - Federal Union of German Associations of Pharmacists, Berlin, Germany) - Abstract:
Background information: The prevalence of drug-related problems (DRPs) in OTC use in German community pharmacies is not known yet. Hence, our primary study objective was to quantify DRPs in self-medication. Secondary objective was to assess factors having an impact on safe OTC use. Setting: Community pharmacy. Methods: Community
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