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Anticoagulant propertis of wpa modified by the aminoacids glycine and alanyne
- In: Clinical Biology Section Posters
- At: New Orleans (USA) (2004)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CBS-P008
- By: KUNTIC (School of Pharmacy, Belgrade, Yugoslavia)
- Co-author(s): Ilic (School of Pharmacy, BELGRADE, Yugoslavia)
Filipovic (Inst of Oncology and Radiology, Yugoslavia)
Uskokovic (School of Pharmacy, BELGRADE, Yugoslavia)
Mioc (School of Physical Chemistry, Yugoslavia) - Abstract:
Tungstophosphoric acid (WPA) is a heteropolyacid of tungstate and phosphate, primarily used in biochemistry as a staining and contrasting agent. These acids are increasingly being introduced in medicine as anticancer, antiviral (especially for treatment of AIDS) and antirheumatic agents. WPA also has some anticoagulant properties, which we have..
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