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Aslto5 Piemonte (Italy): clostridium difficilis in Carmagnola hospital - You can wash your hands like pontius pilate?
- In: Hospital Pharmacy - Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-030
- By: EMANUELA, Abbate (ASLto5 PIEMONTE, Torino, Italy)
- Co-author(s): Domenica, Morabito (ASLto5 PIEMONTE, TORINO, Italy)
Pierino, Panarisi (ASLto5 PIEMONTE, TORINO, Italy) - Abstract:
Introduction: February2007, in Department of Medicine/Geriatrics, a Clostridium difficilis infection alert induces the pharmacist and the medical management to organize an audit of process in march 2007. Into april/may 2007 the two doctor promotes meetings and are organized 3 sessions to share the 3 guidelines for this event epidemical:
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