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Antimicrobial activity of rubus rosaefolius smith. extract
- In: SIG: Natural Substances - Posters
- At: Basel (Switzerland) (2008)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: NS-P-039
- By: KANEKO, Telma Mary (Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
- Co-author(s): Ostrosky, Elissa (Sao Paulo University, SAO PAULO, Brazil)
Lopes, Patrícia Santos (University Sorocaba, Brazil)
Mauro, Claudia (University São Judas Tadeu, Brazil)
Pinto, Terezinha de Jesus (Sao Paulo University, SAO PAULO, Brazil)
Baby, Andre Rolim (Sao Paulo University, SAO PAULO, Brazil)
Consiglieri, Vladi Olga (Sao Paulo University, SAO PAULO, Brazil)
Moreno, Paulo Roberto H. (Sao Paulo University, SAO PAULO, Brazil)
Velasco, Maria Valéria Robles (Sao Paulo University, SAO PAULO, Brazil) - Abstract:
Purpose: The search for new antimicrobial agents has lead to a tendency of avoiding chemical agents, which increased considerably the researches involving natural sources. Many studies have suggested plant extracts like a potential source of chemical compounds, which are able to inhibit the growth of microorganisms. The Rubus rosaefolius Smith is..
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