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A survey on knowledge and behaviors regarding urologic health care among taipei citizens
- In: Poster presentation
- At: Seoul (South Korea) (2017)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-SAPS-055
- By: WU, Tzu-Hua (Taipei Medical University, Department of Pharmacy, Taipei, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Chien-Sheng Wang: Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
Shu-Chin Hu: Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
Hung-Yen Chin: Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
Pei-Tzu Lo: Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
Yi-Shan Tsai: Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China
Tzu-Hua Wu: Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China - Abstract:
Medical information has been easily obtained from internet. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether citizens received and understand health care information regarding urologic health care.
We aimed to analyze the knowledge levels and behaviors of Taipei citizens regarding how they care for their urinary system.
Questionnaire was
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