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The contribution of community clinical pharmacist in evaluating and improving sub-optimal therapeutic treatments.
- In: G13 - Practitioners' Day CPS: Forum I (Part 1) on Wednesday, 5 September 2007, 9:00-10:45
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: LOMNICKY, Yossi (Maccabi Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel)
- Co-author(s): Kenig-Haimov, Tali (Maccabi Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel)
Guy-Alfandary, Shiri (Maccabi Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel)
Rabinovitz, Dalia (Maccabi Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel)
Lavi, Sivan (Maccabi Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel)
Katzir, Itzhak (Maccabi Health Services, Tel Aviv, Israel) - Abstract:
Maccabi Healthcare Services is the 2nd largest Healthcare provider in Israel, ensuring 1.7 million members across the country. A total of 3 community clinical pharmacists are positioned in 5 districts of Maccabi. The clinical pharmacist get their formal education at the framework of 2nd academic degree studding at the Hebrew University- School
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