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Medicine plant shandougen soya bean root’s tumor-activity resistant substance and its effect mechanism
- In: SIG Natural Substances - Posters
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: NS-P-008
- By: ALATENG, Qimuge (Pekin University, Beijing, China)
- Co-author(s): Geerdeng, mengke (Ximengxiwuqi, NEIMENGGU, China)
- Abstract:
SUMMARY: AIM: To use soya bean root to separate and extract a tumor-activity resistant substance from SHANDOUGEN and probe its effect mechanism. METHODS: Take a Sun-dried sample of medicinal soya bean root’s , and use the dissolution method: first Extract the substance to be probed and determine its activity; use HP-20 gel open column..
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