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Developing a learning needs self-assessment tool for pharmacists based on the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland’s core competency framework
- In: Posters: Academic Pharmacy Section
- At: Bangkok (Thailand) (2014)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-APS015
- By: CUNNIFFE, Roisin (PSI House, Dublin 2, Ireland)
- Co-author(s): Reast, Aisling (PSI House, Dublin 2, Ireland)
Nestor, Cora (PSI House, Dublin 2, Ireland)
Gallagher, Aedamair (PSI House, Dublin 2, Ireland)
Horgan, Lorraine (PSI House, Dublin 2, Ireland) - Abstract:
Background: The Pharmacy Act 2007 introduced mandatory Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for pharmacists in Ireland. An outcomes and portfolio-based reflective model was agreed as the preferred approach for pharmacy in Ireland by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI). The PSI developed a Core Competency Framework (CCF), which is
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