Gaining better outcomes through personalized medicine
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: GUIU SEGURA, Joseh Maria (Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Barcelona, Pharmacy Practice Research Group., Barcelona, Spain)
- Co-author(s): March Pujol, Maria Antonia (Research Group in Pharmacy Practice, Barcelona, Spain)
Monterde Junyent, Josep (Faculty of Pharmacy. University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain) - Abstract:
Personalized healthcare is built on scientific breakthroughs, like the DNA double helix discovery in 1950s or the sequencing of human genome in 2003. Nowadays it is assumed that the [simplequote]one-size-fits-all[simplequote] therapeutic approach is obsolete, so there is a medical need for a more patient-tailored approach.
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