Improving correct use of medicines in the community by public education: An initiative by Pharmacy Institute in India
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: GHARAT, Manjiri (Prin.K.M.Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic and Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Pharmacy, Ulhasnagar, India)
- Co-author(s): Chavan, Sunil (Prin.K.M.Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic,Ulhasnagar, Ulhasnagar, India)
Patel, Mahadev (Patel Medical, Mumbai, India)
Kulkarni, Sagar (Yashashri Medical, Kalyan, India)
Achhra, C.V. (Prin.K.M.Kundnani Pharmacy Polytechnic,Ulhasnagar, Ulhasnagar, India) - Abstract:
Overuse, under use and wrong use of medicines is a global problem and same is true for India. Consumers are not [simplequote]sensitive[simplequote] regarding appropriate use of medications.
To raise public awareness for improving correct use of medicines by way of Medicine Literacy campaign.
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