Study of the implementation of a drug free dispensing for diabetes in PMESP
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: POLACOW BISSON, Marcelo (Policia Militar do Estado de São Paulo, Diretoria de Saúde, São Paulo, Brazil)
- Co-author(s): Lima, Vandre Mateus (Policia Militar do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)
Eufrasio da Silva, Joel (Policia Militar do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)
Queiroz, Jose Carlos (Policia Militar do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil) - Abstract:
I. Background: This study evaluated the implementation of a program of free dispensing of medications for diabetes and other diseases correlated. II. Aims: evaluet the outcomes of this program. III. Methods: The supply of 22 items, including medicines and health materials, was conducted by the Pharmacy Division of Medical Center of Military Police ..
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