Scaling up from small scale preparation of 0.75% Metronidazole gel in community pharmacies to a large scale production
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: BAJCIC, Marija (Apoteka Beograd, Manufacturing, Belgrade, Serbia)
- Co-author(s): Vucelic, Bojana (Apoteka Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia)
Dragicevic-Curic, Nina (Apoteka Beograd, Belgrade, Serbia) - Abstract:
BACKGROUND: Metronidazole is an antimicrobial drug used in dermal formulations for the treatment of different skin fungal diseases. It is very often used also to treat rosacea. For these disorders in community pharmacies different topical formulations (e.g. gels, creams) are ex tempore prepared.AIM: The aim of this study was to prepare a stable
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