Drugs administration in a geriatric hospital : benefit of a pharmaceutical intervention
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: THIRIAT, Nadine (APHP Charles Foix, Pharmacy, Ivry sur seine, France)
- Co-author(s): Peyron, Isabelle (APHP Charles Foix, Ivry sur seine, France)
Margelidon, Léa (APHP Charles Foix, Ivry sur seine, France)
Chalbi, Rime (APHP Charles Foix, Ivry sur seine, France)
Housseini, Evelyne (APHP Charles Foix, Ivry sur seine, France)
Grange, Jennifer (APHP Charles Foix, Ivry sur seine, France)
Sarfati, Anna (APHP Charles Foix, Ivry sur seine, France) - Abstract:
Background: Elderly people often have swallowing disorders which could be problematic for administration of solid oral forms. Consequently nurses have a high request to solve drugs administration. After a first survey in 2010, an index has been created by pharmacists. They proposed a guide for clinical departments (doctors and nurses), with..
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