Design and validation of an illustrative multimedia informative tool for pediatric patients using patient-controlled analgesia
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: VAILLANCOURT, Régis (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Pharmacy, Ottawa, Canada)
- Co-author(s): Pouliot, Annie (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada)
Martelli, Brenda (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada)
Mervitz, Deborah (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada)
Grant, Warren (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Canada) - Abstract:
To ensure appropriate self-administration of a Patient-Controlled Analgesia (PCA), patients must understand the benefits of PCA and be taught how it works. The benefit of a multimedia intervention, customized for a specific group has not been studied and its value to our patients is unknown.
: The objective of this study was to.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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Last update 28 September 2023