Bitterness prediction of intact and crushed Vesicare® orally disintegrating tablets using taste sensors
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: HARAGUCHI, Tamami (Mukogawa Women's University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nishinomiya, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Miyazaki, Airi (Mukogawa Women's University, Nishinomiya, Japan)
Yoshida, Miyako (Mukogawa Women's University, Nishinomiya, Japan)
Hazekawa, Mai (Mukogawa Women's University, Nishinomiya, Japan)
Uchida, Takahiro (Mukogawa Women's University, Nishinomiya, Japan) - Abstract:
I. Background: Vesicare® tablets, whose main component is solifenacin succinate, are known to be extremely bitter. For children, intact tablets are sometimes broken or crushed in order to administer a lower dose. However, the bitterness of the intact tablet may be enhanced by crushing. Recently, Vesicare® orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs),..
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