Product Development and Evaluation of Oral Disintegrating Films Of Sennocide as Laxative
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: KANNI, Paranjothy (Aditya Institutions, Pharmaceutics, Bangalore, India)
- Co-author(s): Boguda, Vishwanath (Aditya Institutions, Bangalore, India)
Kshetrimayam, Chetna Devi (Aditya Institutions, Bangalore, India) - Abstract:
Senniocide is a well known laxative and the newer buccal films are convenient dosage forms. The aim of the study was to research polymers considered to have fast dissolving properties for the preparation of Oral disintegrating films of Sennoside B and to evaluate the films for various physical, chemical and biological parameters.
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