Impact of a medication review (MRF) with six month follow up on number of medications in ambulatory aged patients in Spain: conSIGUE Program
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: BENRIMOJ, Shalom (Charlie) (University of Technology Sydney, Graduate School of Health, Sydney, Australia)
- Co-author(s): Garcia-Cardenas, Victoria (University of Granada, Granada, Spain)
Saez-Benito Suescun, Loreto (University of San Jorge, Zaragoza, Spain)
Varas Dorval, Raquel (Consejo General de Colegios Farmaceuticos, Madrid, Spain)
Gastelurrutia, Miguel Angel (Colegio Oficial de Farmaceuticos de Gipuzcua, San Sebastian, Spain)
Malet Larrea, Amaia (Colegio Oficial de Farmaceuticos de Gipuzcua, San Sebastian, Spain)
Martinez -Martinez, Fernando (Catedra de Atencion Farmaceutica,University of Granada, Granada, Spain)
Sabater-Hernandez, Daniel (University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia) - Abstract:
MRF is one of the three cognitive pharmaceutical services defined in the Spanish national strategic plan for the implementation of Pharmaceutical Care. The main aim of MRF is to improve control of health problems and optimise the number of medicationAims:
The objective of this study was to measure the impact on the number of medications The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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