Research of Home Medication Cabinets and Safety of Medicine Storage
- In: Posters
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Poster
- By: KURSELIS, Vytautas (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, , Department of Drug Technology and Social Pharmacy, Kaunas, Lithuania)
- Co-author(s): Lukasevicius, Arturas (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania)
Kubiliene, Loreta (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania) - Abstract:
There haven[simplequote]t been made enough researches in Lithuania about home medication cabinets (HMCs), as well as the patient[simplequote]s knowledge about the appropriate storage of medicines.
To research the contents of HMCs and evaluate the safety of medication storage.
A quantitative study was conducted... The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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Last update 28 September 2023